Thursday, June 9, 2011

about that whole "blogging" thing...

...I guess I'm not very good at it, if good = consistent. But, I'm getting ready to leave the country again for a bit, and might have some typing-time available while I am traveling, so...maybe I can try?

So I'm on my way to Kenya for a little while. I'll be participating in a conference and will also visit a couple of our offices, then will return home.

I had a lovely ride to the airport this morning in one of the 'shuttles.' I was the only passenger, and was able to talk with the driver, who is from Sudan. We talked Sudan politics, religious diversity, life in Kansas City. He's been here for almost 8 years, and so I asked him how he feels about living in the U.S: "It's great. There are so many opportunities."

It's good to hear be reminded. The fact that I have a job, that there are educational opportunities, etc etc...sometimes I get jaded about my own society, and forget to be grateful. I'm feeling a little more grateful today: for my home, and for the chance to share a little life with a stranger...

1 comment:

Carole pond said...

We write blogs for all kinds of reason; to record what is happening now so we will remember, to keep in contact with other people. I am disabled now to a large extent but I had so many exciting adventures in TW beginning in the 70's/ I did not travel the world as you did; the world came to. In my career in radio and Tv I interviewed more than 900 people including three presidients, Henry Kissinger, national broadcast journalists from Charles Karault toLarry King. Check it out. God bless you on your adventures'